Discover the features

We don’t hide, we stand tall in front of chalenge

IoTian Hub is your one-stop destination for Electronics, IoT, Robotics components, Embedded system, Instrumentation, Control and Automation. Its clients are institutions, industries and students. we are working towards excellence in IoT, AI and Robotics domain and believe in pursuing business through innovation and technology. Our team goal is to be a leader in the industry by providing enhanced services, products, relationship and profitability.

Lab Setup

We provide hardware, List of experiments, Documentation and all needed support in lab setup for IoT, LPWAN, 4G/5G and Atal Tinkering Lab.


We conduct workshop and seminars on emerging technologies which are given by industry experts.

Campus Training

We provide training to students on various topics including the emerging technologies which are targeted towards making them more relevant and employable as per the industry.


We provide internships to students where they are able to work in a professional environment and impart in real industrial projects.


We help students design and implement projects whether a small or big one on any topic within the scope of all the subjects that we provide training for.

Center of Excellence

Under our "Center of Excellence" offering we provide all the services apart from encouraging R&D and entrepreneurship efforts by guiding both faculty and students.

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